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An Overview of the English Education System

Summa Summarum Education

Understanding the British Education System

There aren’t many national education systems as renowned as the British. Indeed, a British education is still the bastion of the upper classes, yet it is often overlooked how accessible the system really is – and no,

it does not have to set you back £40,000 a year!

It is of note that although it is often referred to as a British education, the four constituent countries that make up the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) all have their own, albeit similar, systems in place. This post will refer to the system in England. 

In England, children between the ages of five and sixteen must receive a full-time education, either at school or at home. The compulsory stages are guided by the National Curriculum, which sets out the subjects and standards that children will be assessed against. The curriculum is divided into Key Stages, with most Key Stages ending with a set of assessments to judge the development of the child.

However, it is not compulsory to follow the National Curriculum, as only state-funded maintained schools (schools that are funded and controlled by the local authority) are bound by the curriculum. Independent schools and home educated students can choose to follow the complete curriculum, parts of it, or indeed completely reject it. 

Although there are many assessments throughout the key stages, none of them are compulsory for students educated outside of maintained schools.

In order to access university, the key qualifications are GCSE's & A-levels or the IB. Although the IB has gained traction in recent years, A-levels are still the most common Key Stage 5 qualification in the UK. Students usually take 10 subjects at GCSE level and 3-6 subjects at A-level (usually the subjects they would like to study at University).  However, there is no limit as to how many A-levels a student can take. I believe the record is currently held by Haroon Tariq, who achieved an astounding 30 A grades!

A-levels are accepted worldwide and depending on the country you would like to study, the appropriate subjects can be chosen so that the qualification is on-par with the qualifications taken in the given country.

The distinguishing feature of the British education system however, is the degree of flexibility:

  • There are no pre-requisites, thus in order to sit A-level exams, it is not necessary to have GCSE's. This is particularly important for adult learners as, in essence, it is possible to "skip" GCSE's and sit A-level exams as a means to access university.
  • A-level exams can be sat at exam centres all over the world. Most countries either have international schools or British Council offices that offer students the possibility to sit exams on their premises.
  • You can study for the A-level completely independently. Subject specifications and learning materials are widely available and you do not have to sign up to a school or learning provider in order to sit the exams.
  • You can re-sit your A-level exams. If you are unhappy with your grade and would like to improve it, you can re-sit your exams once. However, most universities will want to know why you re-sat your exam, so it is best to make sure you sit your exam when you know you are ready to achieve your best possible result!

These features mean that regardless of age or location, anybody can achieve British qualifications!

Homeschooling and working full time
by Summa Summarum Education 14 Mar, 2022
When we think of homeschooling we normally visualise a traditional stay-at-home parent taking on the full responsibility of educating the children in the family. But, the regular homeschooled family hasn’t looked that way in years. In this day and age, both parents often work full time and have full schedules. Then, how do they make homeschooling work? It sounds impossible and those making it work seem superhuman, but there are ways everyone can succeed at homeschooling. There are two types of working parents - those who work at an office away from home, and those who have home-based jobs. While home-based working parents can keep an eye on things between tasks, those away from home have a harder time homeschooling. However, this guide has helpful tips for both. Routine, Routine, & Routine With limited hours in the day, it’s essential to make each one of them count. When you have too much on your plate, it can look overwhelming and that’s often where the battle is lost. Take a breather, step back and parcel things out. Fit to Size The entire point of homeschooling is to choose an educational programme that fits the needs of your children and your family. It is unique. There is NO reason your day has to fit a cookie-cutter schedule. Plan your day according to your needs. Schedule work in the hours that you’re available. For small children who need your presence when learning, schedule fun activities earlier in the day and more hands-on learning later for when you’re with them. On-Hand Resources Whether you’re working from home or in your office from 9-5, you’re needed at your desk and cannot really provide the assistance stay-at-home parents can. One way of ensuring your children are productive during this time is to provide proper resources in an accessible area that your children are aware of. This ensures that your children can follow a self-schedule, and makes it much easier for you to switch from work to homeschooling. Take it Easy Just because you’re scheduling things doesn’t mean you have to cram everything into limited time slots. Remember, the schedule needs to work for you. Take a breather, schedule time for ease and mess-ups. It is important that the lessons are understood to the best of their ability. It's not a race, but a process. Childcare For Successful Homeschooling Although childcare may not be an option for everyone, it can be a great resource for homeschooling parents with full-time jobs. They can be your eyes and ears and provide that hands-on guidance that you worry will be missing from your child’s day. But what kind of childcare, and does your situation call for it? Criteria for Childcare Sit down and discuss with your partner what kind of childcare is required. Keep in mind criteria such as the number of children you have, their ages, the location, and the types of care required, especially if you have a special needs child. Once you know exactly what you want, it will be much easier to narrow down options. There is also one more thing to consider - would you prefer home-based childcare or a group-based option? Home-Based Childcare Options This option provides your child with the home environment they are comfortable in, as well as assistance while you are unavailable. Some of the options are: Family Members - If you are lucky enough to have grandparents or other family members living close by, you could ask them whether they would be happy to become part of your home education schedule. Elderly family members oftentimes have skills that get lost over generations, so it would offer a great opportunity to pass on family knowledge and traditions. Local Teens - An experienced homeschool teen or tutor can be hired to provide their services for a few hours. You can share your schedule and curriculum with them for seamless learning. They also often have tips for studying and exams if they have recently sat their own GCSE and A-Levels. Do bear in mind though that teens are not yet adults, so remember to have a good emergency plan in place should an unexpected situation arise. Stay at home mums - There are many stay-at-home mums that are more than willing to watch your children along with their own for a nominal fee, and make sure they are keeping to the outlined schedule. This is also a great option for your children to socialise with other children and to offer stay at home mothers an extra income. Trading spaces - If your work schedule allows you to take a few work-from-home days, you can swap days with another homeschooling full time working parent who also needs help with childcare. Security checks for older children - If your children are older and don’t require constant supervision, you can leave them at home to follow a provided schedule but install security checks like cameras (if you're into tech) in the home. Group or Centre-Based Options There are also away-from-home options you can explore for your child. Daycare - Although most home education families prefer to keep their children out of institutions, there are some great daycares out there that will be more than happy to take on your outlined curriculum and incorporate it into their time at the daycare. However, it is vital to check that you approve of their learning and teaching methods especially with regards to any agendas or political movements that have recently infilitrated childcare institutions. Workplace daycare - Many office buildings offer childcare in the form of on-site daycare centres where you can stay in touch with your child throughout the day and make sure they are given the one-on-one attention they need to meet their goals. Homeschool co-ops - A great way to get your children to socialise, homeschool co-ops often meet at least once a week and though they might not follow your exact personalised curriculum they are a great source of guidance and to see other methods being applied. It's Okay To Outsource You don’t have to do everything yourself. It is okay to let people into your homeschooling bubble and take over where you need someone to pick up the slack. There are so many resources available for you to choose from. Online Programmes Resources such as YouTube videos, online lesson plans, and worksheets are a great way to get your child to interact with the world wide web and not fall behind on their lessons. Community Programmes Community centres offer great workshops for young children. Sign them up for programs that require expertise that you might not have. It will broaden their horizons and teach them about their place in the community. Tutors Building off on the point of expertise, there are subjects you might struggle with while teaching, that someone with more experience could provide better insight into. Hiring a tutor can help take the pressure off and your child can benefit from having topics explained to them in a different manner. Communication Is Key Homeschooling and working a full-time job while incorporating childcare and/or tutors can feel like a whole lot to juggle but, it is achievable through constant communication. Shared Calendars A shared calendar works wonders. Install a large one in the kitchen that the family can review every morning. That visual aid really helps. For more detailed calendars there are online options where the schedule can include the online resources via links or the number of worksheets to do with the sheets already printed and available in the child’s folder. This helps everyone stay on track. Family Meetings Family meetings to review what's working and what's needed helps you make changes as a family. It will also instil a sense of we’re-all-in-this-together. Constant Updates Stay in touch through messenger or other direct messaging to communicate any changes or delays to the schedule. Remember that you can always reach out to us if you feel overwhelmed. You can book a free 30-minute consultation here . There are lots of parents who homeschool and work and they all agree that while it's tough it's not impossible. With a little guidance, help and advice, you can achieve what you set out to do and offer your children a fulfilling and joyful home educated childhood.
by Summa Summarum Education 09 Feb, 2022
Children are little balls of energy and it is our job as parents and guardians to channel that energy into productive steps towards independence. One of the tools that help children navigate the world around them is the ability to read. Even academically, the ability to read and comprehend succinctly is the foundation on which all learning is built. It is an essential skill and the sooner your child is introduced to it, the better. Unfortunately, most of us don’t remember our lessons from primary school so, how do we help our children learn how to read? The answer can be found in phonics. Parents and teachers all over the world use this technique to teach reading as it is the simplest, yet most effective method. The thought of teaching your child through phonics might be daunting, but over my years of experience I have picked up tips and tricks that I will share with you to make the whole process as easy as pie. What are phonics and why is it important? Words come in all shapes and sizes, and some can be intimidating. For a child, they are like ink-soldiers marching on the page, impossible to decipher. Phonics allows them to concentrate on the sound each letter makes instead. Breaking the word down into smaller sounds helps children tackle each sound and mold it together, rather than being intimidated by the word as a whole. Think of teaching reading with phonics, like making your child a snack. Handing a whole apple to your child might seem simple but the chances of them finishing the whole thing are unlikely. Cutting it up into smaller pieces makes it easier for them to eat and finish the whole thing. Phonics is similar. Phonics is important because they teach the child how to deal with more than reading. They can tackle a big problem by stripping it down to its basics and then deciphering each portion till they understand the whole and can blend them together. How are phonics taught in school and how can you help at home? The first step students learn is to recognize the sounds each alphabet makes. They are taught that ‘a’ makes the ‘aahh’ sounds, and that ‘m’ makes the ‘mmm’ sound. The alphabets are often written down to reinforce their sounds. After the basics are ingrained, students are taught how to blend the sounds together. Short words such as cat are broken down into ‘c-a-t.’ The first step is to sound out the individual letters, and then the phonics are blended together to sound out the word. More and more words are added to the students' vocabulary this way. There are many ways you can support your child. By reinforcing the words that your child is currently learning, you can add to their vocabulary by helping them read more words with phonics. They don’t have to be specially curated. You can read off labels, milk cartons, and even help them decipher the spellings of pots and pans. The key is to make it as fun and engaging as possible. Fun tips to engage your child. The best way to reinforce phonics is to hide the activity within games. Here are some suggestions: Use their favourite hobbies and toys Children form intense attachments to toys, hobbies, and even tv shows. Pick up on their latest obsession and try to work phonics reading around it. If they are obsessed with a cartoon character or fairytale, try to sing along with the catchy songs and sound out the phonics to a lead character’s name, or title of a film. Read the signs A great road trip game is reading number plates. But what if you flipped it around and tried reading the passing sign boards and shop names with your child? They don’t have to be elaborate and it will help them recognize symbols for different kinds of shops as well. YouTube searches Has this ever happened to you? Your toddler will come to you and insist you search up a particular video for them to watch. Turn this into a teaching moment. Sound out the phonics for the channel name and insist they find the associating alphabet on the keyboard to type on their own. Eye Spy Another classic that can be a great way to teach phonics is eye spy. Instead of saying you spy something starting with ‘t,’ say you spy something starting with ‘ttt.’ It will reinforce the phonic sound and help them recognize objects around the house that start with that particular alphabet. Sight words Visual recognition of words is key to helping your child read faster. Try and read to your children every night. Make it a habit and start as early in their lives as possible. Help point out words from the text that they might have reviewed during their phonics learning. The more visual recognition they have of the words the easier it will be to recognize and read them quickly the next time they come across it. This transition from phonics to reading the whole word comes a little later but it is essential that it is done consciously throughout the week. What to do if your child is still struggling to read? While you scramble over every article and every self-help book out there, remember, every child has their own pace. Some pick things up quickly but struggle with comprehension. Some take their time learning the basics but, once they do they hit the ground running and exceed every expectation. If your child is struggling, try to recognize what in the current environment, or curriculum might not be working for them. We hold consultations for parents who are looking for a more personalised and hands-on solution to their child’s reading problems. For more information, you can always get in touch with us for a free 30-minute consultation.
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